Best gay bars long island

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Henderson, of Long Beach, said he was excited for BTW to open and plans to visit frequently with his husband. One customer at North Village Tavern, P.J. “I’ve received an overwhelming amount of support for this place from people - straight and gay,” Caggiano said. For two years, she’s been trying to make that happen.

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The establishment will welcome all in the queer community, including those who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender, as well as other nonconforming genders and sexualities, “but of course, all are welcome,” its Facebook page says.Ĭaggiano, an ally to the LGBTQ community, said that patrons of her Rockville Centre bar frequently spoke about wanting a “gay bar” in the area. Gina Caggiano, owner of North Village Tavern in Rockville Centre, and her fiancé, David Wuestmann, openied BTW, which stands for “born this way,” on Long Beach Road.

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